
Auto Voice Intelligence and CDK Global Strategic Cooperation to create a New Automobile Retail platform

CDK Global and car Voice Intelligence jointly held a conference in Beijing to announce a strategic partnership to jointly launch a new automotive retail solution.

On March 20, 2019, CDK Global and Auto Voice Intelligence jointly held a conference in Beijing to announce a strategic partnership to jointly launch a new automotive retail solution. The two sides will combine their respective advantages to carry out in-depth resource integration and provide full-cycle, modular services, including advisory services, platform development, big data analysis, intelligent car ownership services, digital marketing. Dr. Din Haiphong, President of CDK Global Asia-Pacific region, Car Sound Intelligent Chairman Hen Kanga, and a number of industry experts, media reporters witnessed the signing ceremony.

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With the theme of "new port", the conference is synonymous with "Injurious", a well-known neighborhood in Beijing, with three words representing new retail, connecting users through intelligent operations, and closed-loop users. Symbolizing the opportunities faced by innovative enterprises under the background of the industry transformation brought by the new four parts of the automobile.

Traditionally, the mainframe factory-4S store-consumer constitutes the most important service chain during the purchase of the car. With the passage of time, this system has exposed a number of problems: slow growth or even decline in the car market, 4S stores bear the inventory pressure, mainframe factory on the user status is not clear, and so on. Electrodynamics, centralization, networking and sharing have become the common understanding of the development of the new automobile industry chain. Around this trend, promoting technological innovation, exploring a new business model is the key for enterprises to accelerate their own development. The new four changes of the automobile bring about the change, the position of the car is changing, the dependence of the industry is also changing, and it will also lead to the change of the position of the car The reconstruction of the relationship between the key links of the whole industrial chain.

This change has led to the emergence of the concept of "new retail", the root cause of which is the changing needs of users, their pursuit of diversity, individuation, and sharing, and the fact that traditional products and retail methods can no longer meet the demand, that is, New retail is facing new demand, new ideas and new forms of retail. The new four also provides a technical basis for the realization of new retail.

The emergence of the new direction makes the host plant, distributor group, Internet technology innovation enterprises and other parties try one after another. This is also the reason why CDK Global and car sound intelligence to carry out this strategic cooperation. Both sides look forward to jointly creating a multilateral platform with network and data integration capabilities for hardware and software services. CDK will promote localization business in China with the help of automotive intelligence for many years of deep-rooted customers and biosphere in the automotive industry in China. On the other hand, with the help of CD K's deep product base, excellent industry practice and international vision, auto voice intelligence realizes unique new automotive retail business, and even prepares for entering the international market in the future. .

The two sides will jointly provide new retail solutions for automotive mainframe factories and dealers. The solution will cover both ore-and after-sales segments, especially for the current financial leasing industry, with a focus on creating a new retail ecosystem. The two sides cooperate to create a multilateral platform to achieve high-efficiency matching: car purchase users, mainframe factories, financial institutions, offline dealers, (2C) for end customers: let car users enjoy a comprehensive and convenient financial car rental scheme, Transparent financial parity services; (2B) for auto dealers: provide efficient and innovative vehicle marketing platforms and channels; the development of the platform will also be extreme Optimize the allocation of social resources, develop pull-type supply chain, solve the problem of overcapacity, reduce the cost of supply, implement the supply-side reform, so as to create a win-win ecology between business and manufacturing.

At the event, Dr. Din Haiphong, President of, CDK Global Asia Pacific region, introduced the development trend of new automotive retail in the global scope and the current situation and future of the Chinese market, pointing out that The era of huge growth in new car sales in China, the world's largest auto market, has come to an end. The red profit period for car sales in China has begun to slowly end, and extensive car retailing has faced many challenges in the past. And the auto finance and financial leasing market is booming, and this growth will become a booster for the Chinese automotive retail market. At the same time, Dr. Din Haiphong also elaborated on his understanding of the new car retail, summarizing it as "ecological digitization." "marketing landscape", "service internalization" three aspects.

Voice Intelligence CEO S Ning-nong said in his speech that the core of the current reform of the automotive industry is to change the ecosystem of the automobile industry through high-tech means such as big data, artificial intelligence, electronic information technology and other high-tech means. Respect for users will be the core of the competitiveness of future car companies, and this respect is not just attitude, but "understanding". It can be said that the cycle of users' use of cars is closely related to the concept of "new retail". Car voice intelligence expects, through the results of strategic cooperation between the two sides, to contribute new practice to the industry, and to provide more reliable and effective solutions for automotive mainframe factories, dealers' groups and third-party automotive financial platforms. At the same time, we also hope to be able to work with more partners in the new automotive retail ecosystem.

Round-table discussion: the way to transform under the New Retail change of Automobile. From left: S Nong, CEO of Che Yin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Wang Wei, Chairman of Taiyuan Capital, Wang Chunking, Director of Haida Research Institute of China Automotive Circulation Association, Li Hail, Research Director of Che Nun, Wu Chaos, Executive Director of Roland Berger Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

The conference also set up a discussion session on the theme of "the Road of Transformation under the New Retail change of Automobile". Wang Chunking, president of the Haida Research Institute of the China Automotive Circulation Association, Wang Wei, chairman of Taiyuan Capital, and Li Longhand, director of Che Nun's research, Four industry experts, such as Wu Chaos, executive director of Roland Berger Management Consulting, talked about the understanding of the new retail, and talked about mainframe factories, dealers, and third-party service providers. Internet giants and other traditional track players how to adapt to the transition, put forward their own ideas.

Founded in 2008, Automotive Intelligent Technology Limited has been dedicated to technology and operational innovations in the field of intelligent networking for many years, providing intelligent automotive solutions, including smart hardware, to automotive mainframe plants. Vehicle interactive system development and based on artificial intelligence, big data analysis as the core of vehicle owners operation and service. At present, car voice intelligence has been working with SAIC General Motors, SAIC Volkswagen, FAW Pentium, FAW Mazda, FAW Toyota, Beijing Hyundai and other automotive companies to serve more than 50 million car owners. At present, car voice intelligence has nearly a thousand employees, in Beijing, Shanghai, Sheen, Chengdu, Changchun, Dalian, Singapore and other places have offices.

CDK Global is a leading global provider of integrated information technology and digital marketing solutions in automotive retail and related areas. Annual sales of more than $2 billion. For more than 40 years, we have been providing automotive dealers with highly integrated management systems and professional solutions, enabling dealers to work together to optimize business processes and improve operational capabilities. CDK Global provides solutions for more than 30000 auto, truck, motorcycle, marine vehicle and heavy equipment dealers in more than 100 countries around the world.


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